2021 has numerous promotional product trends for your company to use.
The year 2021 beckons people to hope for a better future. Businesses large and small continue to persevere and look for how to grow and improve. Marketing is one facet of business growth, and each company has a unique angle from which to present its services and products. Promotional products are one type of marketing strategy that never gets old. Below are a few top promotional products to consider for your 2021 campaign.
Apparel is something that everyone needs, and in our current day, numerous types in this category are desirable. For instance, many people appreciate accessory items like socks, hats, and sunglasses, especially if they are customizable. Since many are staying at home or venturing outdoors to socialize or exercise, both indoor and outdoor gear are in demand as well.
Personalized Products
Personalization is one of the best parts of technology today. The better a product can suit people individually as well as corporately, the higher ROI your company will experience. Personalization could mean choosing between colors and designs.
Sustainable Products
Sustainable products are still as in fashion as ever. Products made from recycled materials are appealing to many people, whether they be tote bags, notebooks, water bottles, lunch boxes, or whatever else you can name. Customers love promotional products that do not consume more energy and new material than necessary.
Home Office Items
Working from home is by no means over for many, and the trend, which started at least several years ago, will continue for the foreseeable future. It can be hard to stay motivated at home, but decorating and equipping your employees’ home offices with promotional products can help them feel comfortable and on track. Stress relievers, pens, and calendars are just a few examples.
Wireless Tech
Wireless technology is what everyone is moving toward. No more getting your wired earbuds in knots! Wireless tech comes in many forms, and each printing and marketing company has a different collection to offer.
Name-Brand Items
Some promotional products are recognizable, name-brand ones that people will prize because of the name attached. For example, a company might gift their recognized employees with a Keurig coffee maker with your logo on it. Employees will remember this and appreciate the gesture greatly.
Trust FORMost Graphic Communications for Print and Marketing Needs Today!
FORMost Graphic Communications proudly provides high-quality print and marketing solutions that produce results for your business. Since 1985, we have been providing an array of services for both national and international clients across a wide variety of industries, including all levels of government. As a privately-held company based in the Washington DC area, we are dedicated to providing exceptional services and products to each of our clients’ unique marketing needs. To learn more about our products and services for your marketing and print needs, contact us today at 301-424-4242, or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin for more information.